Welcome to Gosforth CE Primary School
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Gosforth CE School

Useful Information



Our main communication system for parents is ClassDojo. You will receive an invite to join so you can follow what is happening in school, receive event reminders and communicate with your class teacher when necessary. 


Cool Milk


Cool Milk is the UK’s leading school and nursery milk supplier, working in partnership with local  authorities and early years groups to supply free (to those children under five years old) and subsidised school milk to children primary schools.

Click on the link to register your child if they are five or over and would like milk.




Our preferred method of payment is directly into our bank account.
Sort Code - 40 22 16
A/C – 11244132
Please reference what the payment is for or if you are making multiple payments please email school with a breakdown.




Children in Derwent, Loweswater and Crummock following Letter-join handwriting scheme and any of our pupils wishing to practice their handwriting at home can now log in to the Letter-join website on iPads and tablets as well as desktop and laptop computers. There you will find the same, easy-to-use handwriting resources as we use at school.

How to log in to Letter-join: 
Simply go to and log in, using the Desktop log-in boxes, with these details:
User name: lj2391 
Password: home

Letter-join will work on the following browsers on PCs:
• Google Chrome • Firefox
• Safari           • Opera 
We cannot recommend using Internet Explorer for Letter-join.
Go to, select the Tablet Login button and log in using these details:
User name: lj2391 
Swipe code (starting at top left): Capital L shape

Letter-join will run on the following tablets:
• iPads running at least iOS7 through the Safari browser. 
• Windows 8 tablets (8 inch and bigger) using the built-in browser.
• Android tablets (8 inch and bigger) using Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera.

Once logged-in, you will be able to watch how to form all the letters of the alphabet using the same style that we use at school. You can then trace over the letters and words on your tablet and print out the worksheets from your PC for real handwriting practice.

We are limited to the number of users who can log in to this account, so please only log in with this username and password/swipe code for your own personal use.

